So what is DRY NEEDLING anyway?
Do you ever wish you could click a “reset” button on your body?
Maybe then, it would start cooperating with you and you could move better without pain.
Well, lucky for you I have some good news and can offer you a solution……
It’s called: DRY NEEDLING
👉 Dry Needling is a treatment technique that uses the same tool an acupuncturist would use: a very fine, micro-sized needle that is inserted into a muscle.
❌I promise it’s not “woo-woo” or “witch-doctor voodoo”.
✅I had to take extra medical training to become certified. The techniques I learned use knowledge of muscles, nerves, and ligaments to determine the best way to perform a dry needling treatment for you.
Sooooo how does it work?
I like to compare it to when you get a scratch. Have you noticed that it takes a couple days for the scratch to: scab over, heal, and then eventually go away? When you get a scratch, it stimulates an internal chemical cascade to clear out the injured cells and then replenish the area with new, healthy ones.
In a nut shell, that is the healing cascade that dry needling also stimulates. The needle is so small that when it penetrates the skin, it causes a “micro-lesion” A.K.A it is not big enough to actually cause an injury but it IS big enough to stimulate the healing chemical cascade! This whole process can have very profound anti-inflammatory effect which is how it helps reduce pain and muscular tension!

Who would benefit from Dry Needling?
✅ You have muscular related pain. (like you threw your back out, your shoulder started hurting when you go to lift it, you have chronic pain, or pelvic floor related issues)
✅ You have a surgical scar. (INCLUDING c-section scar tissue!!) Think of a table cloth. Now if I were to grab one part of the table cloth in my hand- the rest of it would move! That is basically what scar tissue does in our bodies and it can effect adjacent body parts ability to move and function well.
✅ Your pain feels deeper than what massage can get to.
✅ You have headaches/migraines. I LOVE treating clients for migraines using Dry Needling. Why? Because it’s effective!!! I love that within just a couple of sessions, people start noticing that the intensity of pain lessens, the frequency of headaches goes way down, and they are able to take less (or eliminate) OTC medication!!
Ready to get started?
I help active adults get back to living the life that they want to live. For many, Dry Needling is a fantastic option to help them get there.
What can I do to help?